Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ice Breath? WTF?!?

I like Superman. I like his powers. I like his look. And when he's written well, I really like his stories. But one thing I've never quite understood is his "super ice breath." I get his heat vision. It's easy to understand that when he gets really pissed, he shoots hot red out of his eyes.

See. That is one pissed off Kryptonian.

But who the hell are you supposed to fight with ice breath? I mean, you can only fight water monsters so often. Not only that, where the hell do you find water monsters in the first place. And if they are made of water, I'm pretty sure the heat vision will take care of it (thank God for evaporation).

Overall, I think ice breath is stupid. That, and Captain Cold.

What a tool.


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Vincent said...

This is just wrong. My first comment and it has to be spam. I hate spam... both the messages and the meat by-product.