Thursday, January 11, 2007

God Damn Wonder Twins

I know I've touched on this subject before, but I really really hate the Wonder Twins. Just look at them!!! I know they're a product of the 1970's, but honestly, did anyone ever think they were cool?

C'mon now, seriously, purple jumpsuits?!? Or maybe they're speed suits (I'll be happy if you get that reference).

And their powers, oh God their powers. The female wonder twin has a cool power, in theory. In execution, it absolutely sucks. How effective is a useless-looking camel, or a smiling polar bear? If you're going to turn into a bear, at least maul someone, don't just stand their looking stupid. And the male wonder twin. His power is just plain useless. "Ooh, look at me. Form of bucket of water." Scary! A sponge could kick his ass, and it doesn't even have to be an evil sponge!

Oh well, I found this cool picture. Finally Gleek is doing something cool.

And you see the Twins on the left? Yea, I went there.

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