Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I Really (blank) Sony

Sticking to my previous theme, I have to say that I really hate this commercial.

I just think it fails on so many levels. Why would Sony advertise a portable gaming system without showcasing the games? Then they use these ultra-hip entities to convey the need to own one of these devices. I have to buy one now, because if my (nonexistent) girlfriend one day decides to do something mysterious/romantic, I'm more than sure she's going to reach for a PSP and utilize it for her sexy game of cat and mouse.

Sure, there's the argument that I should get a PSP because it can do so much more than play games. And it's true. It can play movies on a format that's quickly becoming defunct. And after a string of crappy games, one of the biggest draws is the ability to load SNES and Genesis emulators onto the memory stick. Yes, that makes me want to give Sony $250.

But on a different note, Sony has made some really awesome commercials in the past.

Sadly, that monkey passed away a few days ago at the ripe old age of 29. But it doesn't hurt to remember him, because the brilliance behind this commercial is that it subtly shows the viewer why you might want a Walkman forcing "cool" down the viewer's throat.

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