Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Night Fights: You Down With O.P.P?!?

It's Fight Night kiddies, so it's that time again to see who's throwing down inside the Square Circle.

Tonight's match up pits Superman(boy) against his most dreaded nemesis, his own fighting confidence!

So tell me boys and girls,


Taken out of context from Action Comics #466 by Cary Bates, Curt Swan, and Tex Blaisdell.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This Week in the Funny Books: Feb 25, 2009

What up Sports Fans, here I am for another round of the most unread comic reviews on the internet.

As you'll notice, this is a pretty Avengers intensive review session, being that Dark Reign rocks my freakin' socks. And here we go.

New Avengers #50
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artists: Billy Tan, Bryan Hitch, David Aja, Michael Gaydos, David Lopez, Alex Maleev, Steve McNiven, Leinil Yu, Steve Epting, Greg Horn

There's something to be said about a comic that genuinely shocks and excites you.

While this wasn't the brawl that was advertised, important pieces begin to fall into place, revealing to the characters what the reader already knows. And given that the mastermind behind Dark Reign is none other than Norman Osborn, it's about damn time we see the real heroes take a proactive stance rather than standing around, jamming their witty thumbs up their bantering butts (I really do like the banter).

As with other milestone issues as of late, Marvel decided to employ several artists to capture the character that they are most familiar with. Each character gets a dedicated page and I think it works perfectly. I do have one question though. Why does every artist draw Iron Fist with a ridiculously high collar after David Aja masterfully redesigned the costume?

The story was masterfully done. But my only complaint stems from the issue's price tag. Marvel can't possibly believe that a 36-page story, along with a five page preview I didn't ask for is worth the $4.99 price tag. Marvel's stance just seems backwards. "Let's reward our loyal readers by raising the prices of their favorite comics because they'll buy it anyway." I'll concede and face facts. Marvel may not be driving away old readers, but raising the price certainly won't draw in new ones.

Mighty Avengers #22
Writer: Dan Slott
Artist: Khoi Pham

Even though I'm still not too sure what the hell is going on, I enjoyed this issue a lot more than the last. Everything from the magic stone men to the talking cow to Hank Pym doing everything with science evokes a very Silver Age feel.

Also, this book also features one of the best panels to be taken out of context in recent memory.

Is that the Wasp straddling Jocasta?

Avengers: the Initiative #22
Writer: Christos Gage
Artist: Humberto Ramos

Three things:

1) Damn you, Christos Gage, for killing off yet another Scarlet Spider. I loved those under-utilized bastards.

2) Humberto Ramos, I love your artwork, but it's just too damn busy. Tone it down, son!

3) I need more Shadow Initiative, and I really need more Typhoid Mary. Especially if she's topless.

Thunderbolts #129
Writer: Andy Diggle
Artist: Roberto de la Torre

While not as bombastic as last issue, this was still a very fun read, showing just how cerebral Norman Osborn could be. Although there isn't much I would put past Osborn, it still amazing to see the lengths he will take in order to clear his storied reputation and prove his worth and necessity to the new president (read: Obama). An interesting point is also brought to light. The Thunderbolts are basically the Black-Ops Avengers, doing what the more public "heroes" could never do.

All said and done, this was a great end to an excellent arc. I can't wait to see what happens next, although I'm not too excited about buying into another comic series in order to find out.

Ms. Marvel #36
Writer: Brian Reed
Artist: Patrick Olliffe

This issue was kinda blah, so I'm going to talk about boobs.

I know that Ms. Marvel has always been stacked, but when did she start smuggling basketballs. Seriously, that's a bust of Power Girl-ian proportions.



And with that, I'm done. I did read some non-Marvel books this week. Superman was interesting, and, surprisingly, Green Lantern left me rather unexcited. Strange, I know, but with a series this masterful, Johns is allowed a drop a pass once in a while.

I also picked up a few trades, All-Star Superman vol.2 and Saga of the Swamp Thing Book 1. I suggest you get pick them up cause they're GREAT!

Ta Ta For Now!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

So I think it's safe to say that everyone loves the Ninja Turtles.

That said, I also love spending money on eBay. So behold, gentle reader...

The Awesomeness


Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Night Fights: You Down With OPP!?!

It's that time, again boys and girls, to step into the ring and tell me if you're down with ONE PANEL of PAIN!!!

Tonight's fight features Superman and the off-panel Buckaroo Bandit. You tell me who the winner is.

Enjoy bitches.

Taken without context from Action Comics #469, by Cary Bates, Curt Swan, and Tex Blaisdell.

This Week in the Funny Books: Feb. 18, 2009

So I went to the shop today and managed to spend more than I intended to even though they had sold out of two comics I wanted to buy. Thanks retarded covers of Action Comics!!!


Amazing Spider-Man #587
Writer: Marc Guggenheim
Artist: John Romita Jr.

I don't want to keep beating a dead horse so I'll just make this short and sweet. This is a book loaded with interesting concepts yet plagued by sloppy execution. There's still hope but give ASM's track records, I remain cautiously optimistic.

Also, Romita = WIN

Robin #183
Writer: Fabien Nicieza
Artist: Freddie Williams II

After reading this issue I'm left with a sense of underwhelming excitement. Nicieza does touch on some of the series' dangling plot threads (dealing with such things as Robin's ex-girlfriend reeking havoc with his current girlfriend, his ex also coming back from the dead, and of course, Jason "The Douche" Todd) and brings them to an open conclusion. Yet while Nightwing seems geared up to take on the Bat-mantle, Robin seems content with remaining Robin. This seems strange considering Battle for the Cowl kicks off next month, but as we all know, editorial mandate usually wins over in a battle against what the writer wants.

Dark Avengers #2
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: Mike Deodato Jr.

First Morgan Le Fey lays the smack down on Doctor Doom, then the Avengers have a Bendis moment, then Sentry rips the head off Morgan Le Fey, and then Morgan Le Fey comes backs and makes Venom eat Ares.

I'm not positive, but this book may very well be the shit.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Quick Message to the FOX Network

The Sarah Connor Chronicles freaking rocks. Please put it back at a decent time slot, cause Friday nights is the place network shows go to die. It happened to Firefly, it happened to countless other shows, and it'll happen again if people stop watching the show. I don't know about you, but even though I love Terminator, given the choice between watching TV or going out on a Friday night, I'm going out.

And that shit's for real.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Night Drink Vol. 2

1 part Vodka
1 part Kahlua
1 part half & half
Splash of Coke

Combine and serve over ice. And remember, always enjoy responsibly!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

In honor of this, the most romantic of holiday's, the Black Widow shows us that even badass secret agents still put love before the job.


Taken from Captain America Vol. 5 #46, by Brubaker and Epting.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Night Fights: St. Valentine's Day Massacre!

For my first foray into the fight scene, Hank Pym reminds us that while love conquers all, a firm backhand will certainly throw a monkey wrench into the mix.

From Avengers #213 by Jim Shooter and Bob Hall, reprinted in Secret Invasion: Requiem

This Week in the Funny Books: Feb. 11 2009

Another week, another batch of comics.

Overall, this was a pretty good week, but then again, any week that I can make to the shop and actually buy everything I want is a good week.

In celebration of Thor turning 600, here's some cute Thor goodness, courtesy of Chris Giarrusso.


Amazing Spider-Man #586
Writer: Mark Guggenheim
Artist: Barry Kitson

This issue serves as yet another example of the inconsistent storytelling that has plagued Spider-Man for the past year.

Guggenheim's goal for this issue was to expand upon the genuinely shocking revelation that Lily Hollister is Menace, as well as tie up several loose-ends that have been dangling since Brand New Day kicked off. The problem is that he does so in a way that is more reminiscent of a college professor who reads directly from his notes: The information is necessary but the presentation fails to engage. It's a shame that The Brain Trust couldn't find a way to lend some excitement to these otherwise interesting developments.

As for the artwork, I love Barry Kitson, but he's no Romita Jr.

Captain Britain and MI13 #10
Writer: Paul Cornell
Artist: Leonard Kirk

This book starts with Dracula talking to Dr. Doom on the moon and ends with Dracula launching missiles made of Vampires at earth from the moon. This book is the fucking SHIT!

Batman #686
Writer: Neil Gaiman
Artist: Andy Kubert

Patterned after Alan Moore's "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?", Neil Gaiman takes an amalgamation of various Batmen and focuses on his possible adventures from the perspective of his closest allies and most dangerous foes, seemingly removing Bruce Wayne from the picture. He draws on all aspects of the Bat-Universe, going as far back as his earliest adventures with The Cat all the way to the inconspicuous appearance of Green Arrow from The Dark Knight Returns. So needless to say, this is surreal. Gaiman is in his element when he deals with the supernatural, so having Batman and someone who I can only guess is Death serve as the narrators certainly adds to the experience. While this doesn't hold the same weight as Moore's expertly crafted tale because this isn't really the end of an era, Gaiman answers the question of how would the general public view the death of one of their greatest heroes: with a variety of stories, none of which may be true, but all important in their own way.

Nightwing #153
Writer: Peter Tomasi
Artist: Don Kramer

I could go on about how this issue capitalizes on the family aspect of the Batman books, but I'm going to make this short and sweet. I love Nightwing and if he does become Batman after Battle for the Cowl is over, I'll be one cheesed-off Bat-fan.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Abraham Lincoln

Happy Birthday you Sexy Bastard!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In Honor of the Changing Weather



You see what I did there?


Taken from Detective Comics #660, by Chuck Dixon and Jim Balent

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Sunday Night Drink Vol. 1

1/3 Crown Royal
1/3 Coconut Rum
1/3 Peach Schnapps
1/2 Can Red Bull

Combine the three liquors in a shot glass and fill a highball glass with the Red Bull. Drop the shot glass into the Red Bull then slam it. It's the balls.

Friday, February 06, 2009

This Week in the Funny Books: Feb. 4 2009

Sorry kiddies, real life got in the way and I didn't have the time to read most of what I bought, much less review them. Regardless, here's the list of what I got.

Til next time!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Mike Deodato Jr. Proves

...that even homicidal maniacs
have an 'O' face.

Taken from Dark Avengers #1

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Joker

This Is Why He's Hot

Taken from Batman #496

Monday, February 02, 2009

Whom Can I Send?

You can send Batman and Robin!


Badly scanned from Batman: The Dailies: 1943-1946