Tuesday, October 03, 2006

What The Hell?!?

What the hell is wrong with the world today? So like the fourth school shooting in less than two weeks happened this morning in Pennsylvania. What's going through the mind of all the crazys out there? Do you really need to murder a bunch of kids execution style just because you're having a bad day? This shit is getting ridiculous. And what the hell is the government doing to stop these shootings from happening? Seemingly jack shit because they just keep happening. I'm not a parent, and I probably couldn't even begin to imagine the pain they must feel when they send their child of to school only to have them come back in a body bag. But I do know there has to be something that can be done. Place police officers in schools, get metal detectors at entrances, raise taxes if you have to, but something has to be done to protect our kids.

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