Tuesday, October 03, 2006

For What It's Worth...

So I'm on my way to school around noon and decide to listen to "Paul Harvey's News and Comment." Considering this guy has to be a million years old, if not more, I was surprised to hear this story. Apparently some woman in Bulgaria ran a red light, hit someone, and was only saved by the fact that her obscenely large breast implants acted as a pair of air bags. Though she survived, her large breasts did not.

He's older than you are!

And now... page two. While watching VH1 this weekend, I came across some rather frightening news. It seems that Dustin "Screech" Diamond is now the latest victim of a sex-tape scandal.


I'll be honest, I've seen the Pam Anderson sex tape, I've seen the Paris Hilton sex tape, I've even seen the supposed Britany Spears sex tape... but who in their right mind would ever, EVER, want to see Screech from Saved By the Bell sticking is penis into anything, much less anyone? The thought sickens me, as it should you. And now you know... the rest of the story.

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